dal giardino dei semplici all’orto di oggi verso il planetary garden

Le Scuole della Lombardia per EXPO Milano 2015

Progetto realizzato dagli studenti delle Scuole di Leno

  • Scuola dell'Infanzia di Leno
  • Scuola dell'Infanzia di Castelletto
  • Scuola dell'Infanzia di Porzano
  • Scuola Primaria di Leno
  • Scuola Primaria di Castelletto
  • Scuola Primaria di Porzano
  • Scuola Media
  • IIS V. Capirola

Planetary Garden


Community Greenhouse

A Greenhouse is a building where plants are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrialized buildings.
A Greenhouse is a structural building with different types of covering materials, such as glass or plastic roof and frequently glass or plastic walls, it heats up because incoming sunshine is absorbed inside the structure. Warm air is retained in the building by the roof and the walls.

Community Greenhouse is subdivided into five different zones, inside there are five different types of produce and edible flowers.
We have decided to build our Greenhouse on a steel frame and with modular glass panels.
Outside there are a vegetable garden and a small orchard, a small market place where to sell our produce.

The irrigation system controls the quantity of water according to the different need of different plants and vegetable. The air system controls the amount of humidity.

We grow salad and zucchini in the allotments, in the orchard we have planted apple trees and cherry trees.

In the greenhouses we grow:

  • artichokes
  • pumpkin
  • calendulas
  • melons
  • strawberries